Antstream Arcade Adds Two Brand New Arcade Games

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Antstream Arcade has added two brand new games to its expanding library of retro games, these games both come from retro gaming powerhouse Atari so let’s take a look at the two arcade games added to Antstream.

Game Title: Space Duel (Arcade)

Our first game is a multidirectional shooter from 1982 and is a direct descendant of the well-known Atari arcade game Asteroids. In Space Duel, you have five buttons two to change the direction of your ship (left or right), one thruster button, one force field button, and one button to fire your cannons. Space Duel is a difficult game to master like many classic arcade games but it’s worth checking out if you’re an Antstream member.

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Game Title: Pong (Arcade)

The second game added to Antstream is one of the very first video games ever developed, table tennis/ping pong game Pong. Pong is a two-player arcade game where you control a paddle and try to be the first of the players to hit the score of eleven points in order to win. With this being one of the first ever video games and being released back in 1972 this game is in black and white.

Interesting Fact:

The addition of these games makes a lot of sense as Atari CEO Wade Rosen recently discussed Atari buying a 10% stake in Antstream Arcade when he was interviewed and discussed Atari’s recent acquisitions. With Atari owning a stake in Antstream we can hopefully expect to see other Atari games come to Antstream in the future.

Are you going to be checking out either of these games? Let us know on social media.

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