Concord – Game Review


Concord, has finally landed on PlayStation 5 and PC. Developed by Firewalk Studios and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, this game has sparked “colourful” debates between gamers since its unveiling at the PlayStation State of Play earlier this year and a beta earlier in the summer. Firewalk Studios aims to carve out Concord’s niche in the competitive hero shooter arena.

Set in a vibrant sci-fi universe, Concord includes a varied roster of characters known as Freegunners, each equipped with distinct abilities. Featuring 5v5 battles and a story with weekly cinematics that explore the backgrounds of its characters, Concord has a lot of potential. Let’s take a look at Concord and see if it has what it takes to compete with other games in the highly competitive hero shooter genre.

A unique storytelling approach

Concord’s story is an interesting one that sets itself apart from typical multiplayer shooters. The game’s storyline centres around a band of outlaws undertaking mercenary missions, adding a whimsical twist to the hero shooter concept. Right from the get go, the opening scene in the game humorously addresses “outlaw bureaucracy,” showcasing the game’s charm and personality early on. It easy to see that this lighthearted tone draws inspiration from popular franchises like Guardians of the Galaxy, making it relatable and enjoyable.

The story is told through weekly cinematics that are designed to give you insights into the Freegunners’ backstories. Ultimately, creating a connection with the characters. I think this is a smart move by Firewalk Studios. By using this storytelling method it gives you a real reason to keep logging in to see what will happen next and in turn builds a sense of community among Concord players.

Though, I feel that the game’s story could be even better with a more developed universe. One that invites you to engage deeply with its lore. In general, the story of Concord has a strong base and begins on a promising note. But, if the developers can flesh out the story and give clearer distinctions between each of the characters, Concord could really stand out in the crowd.


Fast-paced and engaging gameplay

In my opinion, Firewalk Studios has done a great job with Concord in delivering an engaging gameplay experience. I really like the fast-paced combat and the diverse cast of 16 Freegunners offers different playstyles. Each of the 16 characters have unique abilities that force you to find the right playstyle for you that will work well with your team. You can’t just go in guns blazing with any of the characters and expect you and your team to win.

Firewalk Studios did a great job with Concord’s maps. You can tell that a lot of thought and planning went into making them. Many feature multi-layered designs that naturally create combat with your foes. The combination of wide spaces and tight passages pretty much guarantees that you’ll have to adapt your playstyle depending on the situation every time.

Characters like Jabali, who offers support through healing orbs, can effectively manoeuvre narrow corridors to bolster teammates. On the other hand, characters like Star Child, with his powerful shotgun, can dominate in close-quarters combat. This wide variety in character abilities allows for a rich tactical experience, encouraging you to experiment with different strategies based on the map and your chosen Freegunner.


Vibrant and stylish presentation

With a decent story and engaging gameplay, Concord’s presentation adds another feather in its cap. The game’s vibrant and stylish presentation really makes it stand out. Each of the 16 characters have interesting designs, and the colourful and detailed environments add to the game’s sci-fi atmosphere.

Concord’s maps showcase a mix of vibrant colours and dynamic lighting that make you want to explore them. Sound design plays a vital role in Concord’s fast-paced action. The game has sharp and powerful sound effects that make you feel each shot and ability.

If there is one area that Concord absolutely nails it, is voice acting. Each of the 16 characters are voiced in a way that brings them to life and reflects their unique personalities. The humorous and engaging dialogue between each character adds to the overall charm of Concord and often had me laughing and smiling.


Concord has a solid foundation that with support from fans and the developer can grow and find its place in the genre

Concord combines fast-paced action with a lively and vibrant cast of characters. The game’s core gameplay mechanics provide a satisfying experience. The game’s maps are varied and require you to adapt your playstyle based on the environment. And, Concord’s progression system rewards you with cosmetic unlocks and challenges that add to its overall replayability.

However, Concord is up against some stiff competition from well established games in the hero shooter genre. I’m interested to see how Concord fares against big name games like Overwatch 2 in the coming months ahead.

Honestly, I think Concord has a solid foundation and a potential to find its place among gamers. Overall, Concord offers a fun experience, that I haven grown to enjoy. I hope that Firewalk Studios and PlayStation give Concord the love and care it needs by further developing its story and fine tuning its gameplay.


Review by @4ScarrsGaming

Fun Factor
Overall Value


Concord combines fast-paced action with a vibrant cast of characters, offering a satisfying gameplay experience that encourages you to adapt your strategies based on varied map designs. The progression system adds replay value by rewarding players with cosmetic unlocks and challenges. However, Concord faces stiff competition from established games in the hero shooter genre, which raises questions about its long-term success. Despite these challenges, Concord has a solid foundation and potential to find its place in the genre, if Firewalk Studios and PlayStation give it the support it will need.


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Jon is a proud Canadian who has a lifelong passion for gaming. He is a veteran of the video game and tech industry with more than 20 years experience. Jon is a strong believer and supporter in cloud gaming, he's that guy with the Stadia tattoo! He enjoys playing and talking about games on all platforms and mediums. Join the conversation with Jon on Threads @4ScarrsGaming and @4ScarrsGaming on Instagram.

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