Gungrave Blasts Onto Game Pass Ultimate Today!

Gungrave G.O.R.E has released on Game Pass Ultimate today – 22nd November.

Gungrave G.O.R.E logo

Gungrave G.O.R.E. marks the return of the Gunslinger of Resurrection. Play as Grave, the gun-wielding badass anti-hero, and you mow down tons of enemies in a gory ballet of bullets through a story of vengeance, love and loyalty, all in third-person hack-and-slash/shooter combat.

Gungrave Trailer

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate keeps on bringing the big hitters this month. This is the latest game to come to the service and is certainly the most gory. It is available on Cloud, Console and PC today!

Unfortunately, some games will be leaving on the 30th of November. Read which ones are leaving and play them before they leave.

Simon Roadhouse

A tabletop gaming nerd who has recently rediscovered video game thanks to Stadia (RiP). He is a huge believer in Cloud Gaming and the accessibility it brings. He Loves playing Dungeons & Dragons and a slew of modern board games as well as creating custom leather goods and photography.

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