Hot Wheels Unleashed Released Straight to Stadia Pro

hot wheels unleashed

Hot Wheels Unleashed was rated for Stadia back in April. Since then, it’s been one of the top voted for games in our monthly guess the monthly Stadia Pro game polls. While it didn’t help anyone win the monthly contest, the game has now indeed been released straight into Stadia Pro! So, go ahead and claim it.

Hot Wheels Unleashed on Stadia Store
Hot Wheels Unleashed Stadia Store Page

The released version on Stadia is the “Game of the Year Edition” which includes some additional content and lots of extra vehicles. The main game is very popular showing up multiple times on the GFK’s list of top selling games over the past year. It contains single player, multiplayer racing and a track builder mode that is sure to bring endless fun.

The game comes with 53 Stadia achievements in tow.

Jack Deslippe

Jack Deslippe is an HPC professional with a PhD in Physics from the University of California, Berkeley. As a hobby, he is passionate about consumer technology and Cloud Gaming in particular. He volunteers as an editor for Cloud Dosage in his spare time. See the games Jack is Playing at ExoPhase. Like his content? You can follow Jack on Threads: @jackdeslippe and Buy Jack a Beer.

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