How to Fix GeForce NOW’s Xbox Game Pass Auto Login Issues

GFN Thursday Xbox Game Pass Marketing Image - Various gaming devices displaying Xbox Game Pass games, including "Wolfenstein" and "Deathloop," with the GFN Xbox Game Pass logo.

It happened on a Thursday—the 22nd of August 2024, to be exact. GeForce Now, our favorite Nvidia product (I should have bought shares…), became the focus of international attention:

All the Xbox Game Pass games, which usually required a laborious and frustrating login process, finally received an automatic login update. No more misspelling your email address, no more typing that “suggested password” Google offered you once upon a time—i.e., a suggested password that rivals the Zodiac Killer’s cryptic murder game thingy: 138371817xoxoxoxobluebuhblesandersoncooperpanda01.

It changed the game

(by breaking it)

As the sun loomed on the horizon like a Sicilian widow in a window, GeForce Now got bum-rushed by a gazillion (hyperbole) users, all clamoring to finally play Xbox Game Pass games without the need for the Zodiac Killer’s unsolvable ciphers.

I was one of them.

Unfortunately, a glitch in the matrix caused mass insanity when users realized that the “update”—used very sparingly—caused a myriad of problems:

  • Xbox Game Pass failed to sync; games crashed; auto logins didn’t work; and many of the new games, such as Wreckfest, crashed and burned like the Hindenburg’s twin brother.

(Boom goes the blimp!)

NVIDIA launched an “under investigation” alert, acknowledging the issues on various platforms. This was little comfort to gamers, who were eager to take advantage of the promised convenience.

Game console exploding with lightning and shards, a controller in the foreground.

Reddit went crazy!

The community’s reaction was swift and loud. On Reddit, one user lamented, “I was excited about the Xbox auto-login feature on GeForce Now, but it’s been nothing but a headache. I keep getting booted out of my games and having to re-enter my login details every time. What’s the point of this update if it doesn’t work?”

Another user, U/iamafro, shared, “Auto-login has only created more issues for me. I’m getting random crashes and errors when trying to launch my games. This needs a fix, ASAP.”

U/Lukazorz also chimed in, saying, “The auto-login feature was supposed to be a time-saver, but it’s been the opposite. Now I have to waste more time troubleshooting instead of actually playing.”

U/Sleepycat_23 pointed out the core frustration: “Nvidia, you hyped this update so much, and now I can’t even play my games. It’s like the system can’t handle the load or something.”

According to another user, “the auto-login feature is supposed to streamline access, but all it’s done is make us wish for the old, manual days. I’ve tried everything under the sun—restarting, reinstalling, even praying. Nothing works!”

Tell Us Why? Oh Lawdhammercy!

The technical issues seem to stem from the integration between Microsoft’s authentication servers and NVIDIA’s platform. According to a WinBuzzer report, “The new integration improves Nvidia’s existing framework for Xbox game library synchronization on GeForce Now. However, this first rollout hasn’t been without its challenges, with numerous users reporting issues with the new feature.”

Adding to the woes, users also noticed that the update had caused performance drops in some games, particularly for those with weaker internet connections. A Verge article highlighted the challenges: “The system seems overwhelmed, and the auto-login feature is struggling under the strain. It’s a classic case of too much too soon.”

Here’s the “Suggested” Fixes


If you’re experiencing issues with the Xbox auto sign-in on GeForce Now, here are a few steps you can take to mitigate the problems:

  1. Re-link Your Xbox Account: Go to the GeForce Now settings and remove your Xbox account link. Then, re-link it to ensure a fresh connection. This can often resolve authentication issues.
  2. Clear Cache and Cookies: If you’re playing through a browser, clearing your cache and cookies might help in resolving login problems.
  3. Check for Updates: Ensure that both your GeForce Now app and any associated software (like Xbox apps) are updated to the latest versions. Sometimes, issues are fixed in subsequent patches or updates.
  4. Report the Issue: If problems persist, report them directly to NVIDIA support. The more feedback they receive, the quicker they can work on a fix.
  5. Switch Browsers or Devices: If you’re using a particular browser or device, try switching to another one to see if the problem persists. Sometimes, these issues can be browser-specific.

Nvidia has been working on a fix, but in the meantime, users are left with a frustrating gaming experience. But fear not, for there’s a solution—a solution that may not be obvious but works like a charm.

A TV screen showcasing Xbox characters and games, surrounded by animated figures, a plane, and various game titles, highlights the excitement of Xbox Game Pass plans.

The True, Tried, and Trusted Fix: the Xbox Overlay

Patience is a damn virtue…

This is an exclusive Cloud Dosage hotfix. I’ve tried and tested it on multiple accounts and devices. And it works!

Let’s use Wreckfest as an example:

  1. Load the Game: After the game loads and launches, you’ll see the usual Xbox account prompt—you can’t miss it.
  2. The Dreaded Circle: Unfortunately, a little blue circle of death starts spinning…and spinning.
  3. Avoid the Button Temptation: If you press anything, the “Game Launcher EXE Whatever” fails. You’ll be prompted to close the program or wait. Close it, and you’ll get the dreaded “try to sync save files” UI. Typically, clicking this kicks you out of the game, leading to a scream-cry session.
  4. Error Madness: Many Xbox Game Pass games have been acting up like a pack of nervous toddlers, throwing error codes, beeps, boops, and bams at you.
  5. THE FIX: Here’s where the magic happens. Press Ctrl + D to bring up the Xbox overlay. This works on any device, including mobile—just bring up GeForce Now’s in-game keyboard, tap Ctrl (it’ll turn green), and then tap “D.”
  6. Navigate the Overlay: The overlay might look chaotic initially, but close out any annoying windows (like the “Find Your Dead Friends” invite sync) until you get to the top toolbar with the game’s logo.
  7. Access Settings: Click on the game’s logo and find the settings icon, which brings up the Xbox Play background.
  8. Uninstall the Game: In the settings, find the game’s properties and select Uninstall. This will kick you out to the GFN home screen.
  9. Repeat the Process: Return to the game, press Ctrl + D again, and now you’ll see an Install option. Click it. The download progress won’t show, but hang tight for a few moments.
  10. Kick out and Return: The game might kick you out again. If it doesn’t, quit and return manually.
  11. Reset the Game: This process essentially allows you to remotely “reset” or “uninstall” the game, something usually reserved for Microsoft.
  12. Save Files Safe: Don’t worry—your save files are still in the cloud. You’ve just “reset” the cycle of gaming abuse.

It might take some time to get it working, but be patient and trust in your spirit animal—mine is a pandasloth. Yes, a hybrid.

Good luck!

As always, remember to follow us on our social media (e.g., Threads, X (Twitter), YouTube and Facebook) to keep up with the latest news.

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Renier Palland

Renier is a jack of all trades and a master of some. A published author and poet, Renier understands the art of weaving a narrative, or so the critics say. As a professional overreactor and occasional debater of existentialist philosophy, Renier thrives on games where choices actually matter, e.g. Life Is Strange, Mass Effect, and Heavy Rain. Renier often finds himself in a game of throes on GeForce NOW, sobbing like a Sicilian widow because life is definitely way too strange sometimes.

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