Dead by Daylight: Resident Evil: PROJECT W is now available! Based on the Resident Evil franchise, it features a new Killer – Albert Wesker, The Mastermind – and new Survivors Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers. The Raccoon City Police Station map has also been reworked, undergoing a complete quality of life update. Purchasing this add-on unlocks an exclusive Charm: Green Vial.
Learn more about Albert Wesker, Ada Wong, Rebecca Chambers, the Raccoon City Police Station Map rework, and everything else coming to Dead by Daylight in Dead by Daylight: Resident Evil: PROJECT W. You can watch the official trailer that the Dead by Daylight team shared in anticipation of the add-on release:
This add-on includes the following content:
New Killer: Albert Wesker, The Mastermind
A visionary as brilliant as he is ruthless, Albert Wesker’s strategic mind is unrivalled. While some plans require intellect, others call for brute force. Rush forward to seize Survivors in your grasp and give them the gift of Uroboros – a necessary step on the path to evolution.
Virulent Bound: Charge your Bound attack to launch forward and strike. If your Bound collides with a Survivor, they will be briefly seized and Infected with Uroboros.
From there, one of two situations will occur. The first: Wesker collides with a surface while holding a Survivor, and that Survivor becomes Injured. The second: Wesker collides with nothing and flings the Survivor forward – if they collide with a surface, they will become Injured.
Special Effect – Uroboros Infection: When a Survivor is hit by the Virulent Bound, they are infected by the Uroboros, obtaining the Hindered Status Effect when fully infected. If Wesker hits a fully Infected Survivor with a Bound attack, they will be instantly carried.
New Survivor: Ada Wong
Sometimes it’s safer to keep people guessing, and no one knows this better than Ada Wong. Dexterous and enigmatic, Ada’s survival skills make her a valuable ally, provided interests remain aligned.
Wiretap: After moderate Generator repair progress, gain the ability to install a Spy Trap that remains active for a duration. If the Killer enters the vicinity of a trapped Generator, their aura will be revealed to all Survivors.
Reactive Healing: When injured, gain an instant surge of Healing progress if the Killer injures another Survivor in your vicinity.
Low Profile: The moment you become the last Survivor standing, your Scratch Marks and Pools of Blood are temporarily invisible.
New Survivor: Rebecca Chambers
Never underestimate the value of an experienced field medic. Rebecca Chambers leads by example when all seems lost, sometimes facing grave danger to assist those in need. Her medical brilliance keeps teammates alive and inspired, even if it puts her own safety at risk.
Better Than New: After Healing another Survivor, that Survivor gains an Action Speed boost to Healing, unlocking Chests, Blessing Totems and Cleansing Totems. That Survivor’s Bonuses are retained until they are injured again.
Reassurance: Your presence calms those in The Entity’s clutches. While next to a Hooked Survivor, activate this Perk to pause their Struggle progression for a duration. Their Struggle Skill Checks also pause during this time.
Hyperfocus: The bonus progression for hitting a Great Skill Check is considerably increased, with each success granting a token. Each token increases the Skill Check frequency and cursor speed, putting those reflexes to the test.
Reworked map: Raccoon City Police Department
The Racoon City Police Department Map has undergone a complete quality of life update. Moving forward, it will be split into two separate Maps built around the West and East Wings, with each version featuring a different arrangement of rooms.
Navigation will be far easier than before. Not only has the Map seen a considerable reduction in size, but plenty of new entrances have been added, the many corridors have been widened, and removed several extraneous rooms – including the library’s infamous second floor.
The Collection also features several iconic looks from the Resident Evil series:
- Albert Wesker (The Mastermind) – Albert Wesker (S.T.A.R.S.)
- Ada Wong – Undercover Espionage
- Rebecca Chambers – Cowgirl Outfit
- Leon Kennedy – Detective Noir
- Jill Valentine – S.T.A.R.S. Uniform
- The Legion – Hunk
- Feng Min – Jill Cosplay
- Felix Richter – S.T.A.R.S. Uniform
Purchase Outfits from the PROJECT W Collection to unlock up to 3 Resident Evil-themed Charms:
- Blue Vial: Purchase 1 Outfit
- Purple Vial: Purchase 2 Outfits
- Red Vial: Purchase 3 Outfits
The PROJECT W Collection is available in the Dead by Daylight in-game store.
You can purchase Dead by Daylight: Resident Evil: PROJECT W on the Stadia Store for $11.99. It pairs really well with the previous Resident Evil chapter. Those who enjoyed Resident Evil VII and Resident Evil Village on Stadia have some more content to enjoy! If you’re curious about the full patch notes, check out the official forums to get all the details. Also, don’t forget that Dead by Daylight is a recurring game for the free Play Days.