Save Up To 50% On Nacon Mobile Gaming Controller For Black Friday

One part of cloud gaming is the fact that you can pretty much game on a host of your favourite cloud gaming services across a vast range of devices. 

Mobile phones are just one of those devices and in order to further that experience, it is highly recommended that you invest in a mobile gaming controller for your device. 

If you are in the market for such a controller, then you honestly could not go wrong than taking a look at the mobile gaming controller range from Nacon

Nacon supplies mobile controller for both iPhone and Android across two separate types, their MG-X and MG-X Pro. The MG-X Pro is a personal favourite of mine, I have used it on both Android and iPhone devices and in terms of comfort and reliability, it is hard to beat. 

The good news at the moment is that the Nacon mobile gaming controller range is currently on sale for Black Friday, with some huge savings to be had. 

Their MG-X and MG-X Pro range for iPhone is currently on sale with 50% off each device. 

The Android range, which again has the MG-X and the MG-X Pro can be purchased with a 44% discount. 

These deals will run all the way through until December 4th, so you have plenty of time to take advantage of the offer.

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Lee Reid

Scottish video game enthusiast who is very passionate and a big believer in cloud gaming. Also loves to chat about video games.

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