
Four characters with stylized outfits stand around retro cars on a desert highway, a city skyline in the background, as if transported from a cloud gaming session.
Cloud Gaming News Games

SAINTS ROW gets ESRB rating for Stadia

While this doesn’t mean for sure the game is coming to Stadia, it is a positive sign that it could. Most (but not all) games rated for Stadia end up being announced for the platform. The latest entry in the SAINTS ROW franchise has been rated for Stadia. The game serves as a reboot of […]

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hot wheels unleashed
Cloud Gaming News Games

Hot Wheels Unleashed Rated for Stadia!

Kudos to Twitter user @CodyM2 for discovering that Hot Wheels Unleashed has been rated for Stadia on the ESRB! This is *usually* a sign that a game is headed to the platform. Especially when Stadia is added independently of other platforms. We’ve gone ahead and added it to our list of games likely coming to […]

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