
Stadia Controller
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Top 10 Stadia Games by Cross-Platform Sales

There are now well over 250 games on Stadia. And, unlike many other platforms, the games are carefully gated and curated by the Stadia team. By no means has every best selling game hit the platform, but the converse is mostly true – a surprisingly large fraction of the games available on Stadia are winners! […]

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Cloud Gaming Editorials Enlightenment

Why I’m a Stadian

The amazing “Stadia Community Day” this weekend (I’m writing this on Sunday, May 15. 2022) reminded me to update this op-ed for the new Stadia Dosage site. Aside from a few tweaks, I originally wrote this last year and still feel the same way. A rarity for me! It probably doesn’t surprise anyone who knows […]

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Cloud Gaming News Cloud Gaming Technology Enlightenment Games Stadia News

Yes. Windows games on Stadia are in Play!

Today, at the Google for Games Developer Summit, the Stadia team confirmed what many folks who are familiar with gaming on Linux suspected, Google and developer partners have been using various known techniques to get Windows games running on Stadia. A windows game typically relies on (1) Windows system calls for various purposes (e.g. accessing […]

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