Claim These Stadia Pro Games Before They Leave

Before the new Stadia Pro games release, make sure to claim these games before they leave!

Now that’s a catchy sentence. Almost poetry, if I say so myself. But, it’s also true! Remember to claim these six Stadia Pro games before August 1st.

The Pro games leaving soon are:

If you want to keep track of these games yourself. The Stadia store has a section for games leaving Pro soon. While it is a bummer to see some of these go, also make sure to check out the games that are coming to Stadia Pro next month!

Remember that once you claim a Pro game, it’s yours to enjoy as long as you have an active Stadia Pro subscription – even if you cancel and later resubscribe!

It’s best to claim all games available and not be sorry that you missed one!



Marxally is a freelance graphic designer who enjoys playing video games and writing about them. A Nintendo fan at heart that enjoys the benefits of cloud gaming and loves its amazing community. Marxally covers news and review games at Cloud Dosage. Like what he does? Buy Marxally a Pizza!

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