Hundred Days Wine-Making Simulator and Google Stadia: The Perfect Pair

Illustration of a wine glass with vineyard scenery. Text reads "Hundred Days: A game of choice, nostalgia, winemaking & now available on Cloud Gaming.

A few weeks ago, we put out a poll.

We were asking the Stadia community what they would like to see from us in the future. Many of the comments suggested developer interviews.

It’s a great idea! Through this process, we can gain more insight about Stadia from the developers themselves. For example, we want to learn more about how the Stadia Pro subscription helps with revenue for game developers – particularly indie game developers.

As we covered, Yves Holer, the head of BrokenArmGames, recently commented about Stadia Pro revenue for the game Hundred Days: Wine Simulator on Twitter:

We wanted to dive a little deeper with Yves and were excited to get the chance to ask Yves a few quick questions! In the following interview, we gleam a lot of valuable information about the state of the platform through an indie developer’s eyes.

Questions for Yves

How much has Stadia benefited Hundred Days from both a platform perspective and how well has your game being on PRO helped revenue?

“In simple words, without the Stadia Maker program Hundred Days would not exist.

Google believed in the project and helped us fund part of the development.

The Stadia Pro revenue is amazing because, after the first month the revenue stabilizes.

Which gives us a stable monthly income, and this is highly unusual in the indie scene.”

Yves Hohler BrokenArmGames

How long was the development time for Hundred Days and was the process smooth using the tools that Stadia provides?

“Overall, the Hundred Days game was in development for over 30 months, at the start the Google Stadia Certification process was one of the most rigid requirements we had encountered within the gaming industry in the following months it has become much better to work with.”

Yves Hohler BrokenArmGames

Do you currently have any experience with the testing the Stadia feature known as “channels” ?

“No, we are a super small team, and trying to keep the game updated on every platform is a beast on its own, so keeping up to the date with the news and updated features are not always an option for us at this time.”

Yves Hohler BrokenArmGames

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