Welcome one and all to another edition of Sunday Stadia Stats! You can always find the raw data and interact with all the plots on our dedicated Stats page! Keep in mind it is always best to compare these numbers with others in the young but growing cloud gaming space.
It’s been a bit of a slow week numbers wise in Stadia land, but we’ve got a really big community milestone to talk about!
Sunday Stadia Stats Milestones
- StadiaSource.com passed 5,000 (manually registered) members! This is huge for a third party website and shows you how many people are interested in Stadia content! It’s pretty impressive how steady the growth has been!

- Original Penguin passed 200 subscribers on his YouTube channel!!
- Consigno10, a huge community supporter, passed 500 followers
Upcoming Stadia Numbers Milestones:
- The Official Community Forum will Pass 100,000 members!
Stadia Positive YouTube Channels:
- Ray3473 will pass 500 YouTube subscribers
- HashTagMediaGuy will pass 200 YouTube subscribers
Stadia Positive Twitter Handles:
- Markkys_, SunnyCloudGaming, RokkShow and FrStadia will pass 2,000 followers!
- StadiaHunters will pass 1,000 followers
- MalesurOnline, StadiaGerman, QueenRach69, StadiaCat will pass 200 followers
We’ll be back again next week for another edition of Stadia Stats! For mid-week updates follow @StadiaDosage and @jdeslip on twitter. You can find all of the past editions of “Stadia Stats” in our archive.
We’d also love to see your questions and comments in the comments below!