Why Netflix Games Releasing Fewer Games Is A Good Thing

Netflix Games has almost 100 games available to all Netflix subscribers. However, so far in 2024, we’ve only seen six mobile games and one cloud game added to Netflix. That is an average of around two games per month, which is lower than in 2022 and 2023, where most months saw between three and four games added to the service. Still, I have a different take on this. I see this as a good thing for Netflix and for gamers who use Netflix, so let’s discuss.

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Netflix Games Can Use This To Avoid Fatigue

Let’s start with a point that affects not only Netflix but also every entertainment subscription service. People have spent the last decade subscribing to different gaming subscriptions as well as subscriptions for film/TV and music. Let me compare some similar platforms that I use, for example. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and Antstream Arcade are my other cloud gaming subscriptions besides Netflix. Xbox GPU is roughly five times the size of Netflix when it comes to game offerings. Antstream is around thirteen times the size of Netflix.

Many gamers feel overwhelmed when it comes to their options. That’s an issue that affects other cloud gaming platforms with larger libraries. Netflix is aware of the meme about subscribing to Netflix and just scrolling before turning the TV off because there are simply too many options. If Netflix wants to make its gaming platform more successful, it needs to slowly build up a library while avoiding making the options too overwhelming.

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Netflix Can Focus On Making The Games High-Quality

The next point I want to make is about quality versus quantity. Every gaming subscription service, including ones offered by Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo, has to do a careful balancing act of having a mix of high-quality games and having enough of them to keep gamers paying. Netflix’s film and TV libraries have been criticized for a long time for being watered down with low-quality shows and movies that sit next to their award-winning content. Netflix needs to be careful not to overwhelm people who already have many options when it comes to video games by focusing on making quality games available while also slowly bringing the number of games on their service up.

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Final Thoughts

Netflix Games is destined for success. The question is whether Netflix will focus on making their games high-quality over making lots of them. Netflix already owns hugely popular indie games like Oxenfree, Afterparty, and Cozy Grove. They already have a launchpad for its game platform to grow its offerings and ensure they are worth playing.

What do you think? Does Netflix Games lowering the number of games mean they’ll make higher quality? As always, remember to follow us on our social media. Sites such as X (Twitter), Threads and Facebook to keep up with the latest news.

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