Zombie Army 4 Ragnarök Available on Stadia Now

Zombie Army 4 Ragnarök is available for purchase now on Google Stadia! This brand-new content update brings two new campaigns, a trio of new character outfits and shocking new environments such as an undead factory and a blazing hellscape consumed by rivers of lava and flames ravaging the land.

Included are:

  • Future Karl Outfit
  • Marie Lounge Outfit
  • Josiah Detective Outfit
  • Ragnarök Part 1&2
  • New Horde Map “Death Collector”

Zombie Army 4: Ragnarök Campaign & Character Pack

It’s interesting to note that the Zombie Army 4 leaderboard on Stadia has over 100,000 Stadians listed.

Let’s get to slaying some zombies in style!

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