Cloud Gaming Editorials

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This is the subsection of Cloud Dosage for editorials from our staff and outside contributors. These represent opinion pieces on the current state and future of Cloud Gaming technology, services, games and more.

Ubisoft + Stadia
Cloud Gaming Editorials Video

Stadia Dosage Panel: Ubisoft Partnership Should Not Be Underappreciated

SSC Podcast Episode 95: Checkout the latest opinions from our Stadia Dosage panel during the SSC Podcast (EP 95) on our YouTube affiliate. In this episode we discuss: The power of Stadia’s relationship with Ubisoft, Outriders WorldSlayer and the potential impact of the Stadia Mexico expansion. Enjoy!

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Lake on Stadia Pro
Cloud Gaming Editorials Enlightenment

Lake Shows The Power of Stadia Pro

Lake, from Gamious and and Whitethorn games, came to Stadia as a Pro game and it’s a perfect example of why I love gaming in the cloud.  If you aren’t familiar with Lake it is a slow story based game where you assume the role of Meredith, a mail man’s daughter, who is covering her […]

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Stadia Convenience
Cloud Gaming Editorials Enlightenment

Streaming (Anything) Has Never Been About Fidelity

If there is one place where I think Google may have gone wrong in advertising Stadia early on, it was in touting fidelity as a major reason for gaming in the cloud. Yes, you can certainly throw super high-end hardware (even multiple GPUs!) at the problem of rendering amazing output imagery in the cloud. But, […]

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Cloud Gaming Editorials Cloud Gaming Technology Community Enlightenment

The Significance of Stadia’s Free Trials

Stadia is often criticized for not doing enough to entice new players to the platform and grow the user base. This is usually followed by a chorus of “they need to bring more games that gamers want to play” or “where is the hardware upgrade?”, but the truth is that Stadia is constantly rolling out […]

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Cloud Gaming Editorials Enlightenment

Should You Buy Games On Stadia?

Look. I get it… Stadia have been a bit slow to add games to the platform this year (30 of the expected 100+ having come so far); they previously closed down their own in house production studio; they missed some opportunities for some exclusive titles; they don’t often have a major presence at industry events […]

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Cloud Gaming Editorials Enlightenment

Is Xbox Doing What Stadia Was (Incorrectly) Accused Of…?!

A large percentage of the hate out there targeted towards Stadia actually comes from misinformation. For example, the classic: “You have to buy the game and pay a monthly subscription.” As I am sure our readers will know, this isn’t true now nor has it ever been the case. You can buy games on Stadia […]

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Outcasters on Stadia
Cloud Gaming Editorials Enlightenment

When It Comes To The Cloud, Exclusives Are Irrelevant.

Since the closure of Stadia Games & Entertainment (SG&E), a concern for some players in the community has been that a lack of exclusive games could lead to the closure of Stadia itself. After all, Xbox has exclusives, Playstation has exclusives and so does Nintendo. So how can a gaming platform survive without its own […]

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100 Days Revenue Pie Chart
Cloud Gaming Editorials Enlightenment

Facts Leave Evidence

This biggest difference between fact and opinion is that facts leave evidence. There are people out there – including creators, journalists, and individuals alike – who claim that they know for a fact that publishers and developers are unhappy with the Stadia platform. According to their commentary, this is down to low sales figures, funding […]

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Cloud Gaming Editorials Community Enlightenment

Why I Love the Stadia Community

All the positive Stadia community activity as of late has once again made one to resurrect/update my previous thoughts on Stadia and the community. Aside from my family and my work (both of which I’m super passionate about) as well as good food and a good beer, technology is one of the things that makes […]

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Cloud Gaming Editorials Enlightenment

Why I’m a Stadian

The amazing “Stadia Community Day” this weekend (I’m writing this on Sunday, May 15. 2022) reminded me to update this op-ed for the new Stadia Dosage site. Aside from a few tweaks, I originally wrote this last year and still feel the same way. A rarity for me! It probably doesn’t surprise anyone who knows […]

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